Sunday, June 15, 2014

Forced to Change #3

Working with a group was the best thing possible that could've happened at this stage in the investigation of our topic. After reviewing all the material, it was perfect to collaborate our ideas with others and gain even more of an understanding of our topic. For example, Craig's enduring understanding of "People at the bottom of power structures have no input on how they are controlled." Was very influential in how I understand the topic now. Also, I was able to discuss the pictures with Craig while making the videolicious and we were both able to try and understand them better. Also, while making the video essay with Craig I was able to link the pictures to all of the enduring understandings our group created. This and the creation of our background slides made me understand the topic much more and the theme much more. 

Creating this videolicious was definitely a struggle, but making it for sure enhanced my understanding of the overall topic. When analyzing the pictures and deciding which enduring understanding they belonged to made me really think about the topic and how it connected to the overall theme. The ordering process was helpful in understanding how the pictures fell into place regarding the enduring understandings. My only wish is that videolicious had been easier to use and there weren't as many restrictions on the time limit and picture limit. 

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Forced to Change #2

For the past week, I've been looking at an interactive activity that has furthered my understanding on my topic. The link for this activity For this activity, I went through each different part of the activity and did what it asked me to do and looked at the graphs and images that it asked me to. By looking at these graphs and images, I was able to come to a deeper understanding on the struggles that the Navajo Indians went through during this time. I was also able to relate their struggles to the overall theme of this assignment which is People, Places, and Power. These connections I made helped me to understand more of the key terms and make one more Enduring Understanding.

Key Terms:
Expansion- the act or process of expanding
Pacific Railway Acts- a series of acts of Congress that promoted the construction of the transcontinental railroad in the United States through authorizing the issuance of government bonds and the grants of land to railroad companies
Homestead Act- several United States federal laws that gave an applicant ownership of land, typically called a "homestead", at little or no cost
Sitting Bull- a Hunkpapa Lakota holy man who led his people as a tribal chief during years of resistance to United States government policies
Reservations- a tract of public land set apart for a special purpose, as for the use of an Indian tribe
Ghost Dance-  a new religious movement incorporated into numerous Native American belief systems
Massacre- the unnecessary, indiscriminate killing of a large number of human beings or animals, as in barbarous warfare or persecution or for revenge or plunder
George Custer- a United States Army officer and cavalry commander in the American Civil War and the American Indian Wars
Dawes Act- adopted by Congress in 1887, authorized the President of the United States to survey American Indian tribal land and divide it into allotments for individual Indians
Assimilation- to take in and incorporate as one's own
Allotment- to divide or distribute by share or portion
Indian Reorganization Act- U.S. federal legislation that secured certain rights to Native Americans (known in law as American Indians or Indians), including Alaska Natives
John Collier - an American social reformer and Native American advocate
Navajos- largest federally recognized tribe of the United States of America with 300,048 enrolled tribal members
Bosque Redondo- a 40-square-mile (100 km2) area where over 9,000 Navajo and Mescalero Apaches were forced to live
Fort Sumner- military fort in De Baca County in southeastern New Mexico charged with the internment of Navajo and Mescalero Apache populations from 1863-1868 

Enduring Understandings:
People in Power abuse those not in Power by manipulating them to do things that only help them.
Collier betrayed the Indians trust and it caused them hunger and poverty. (The Indian Question, 230)
Allotment had been transforming Indians into landless people. (The Indian Question, 224)
People in Power force those not in Power to relocate in order to advance their personal needs.
Military abused power by corralling Indians into reservations and shooting them if they ever stepped out. (The Indian Question, 220)
Native Americans were put into reservations because they were not "Using their land properly" (The Indian Question, 223)
People not in Power endured harsh conditions traveling to Places forced upon them by People in Power
Some of them had to travel more than 450 miles by foot, and many died along the way from cold, starvation, or murder. (The Long Walk, Part 1)

Experiencing this event as a Navajo Indian would be extremely devastating. The emotional and physical toll they had to endure was insane. For example, they had to travel over 450 miles on foot, to reach a place that none of them even wanted to go to in the first place. As shown by this map, the route was not exactly the most efficient and looks like it goes through very rough terrain.
This walk was brutal in every way, with supplies running short and death inevitable. Having the risk of death hanging over everybody you love along with yourself would be devastating and almost unbearable. It's safe to say that this journey was one that would rather have not been taken.